Thursday, 22 August 2019

Upgrade to a Central Vacuum System

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Vacuum cleaners are an essential appliance in the home. Tidy and fresh surroundings are the foundation of a comfortable lifestyle. The choices of types of vacuum cleaners are numerous. Traditionally the portable cleaner has been assumed by the dweller. But clumsy mobile units are often in the way, difficult to move throughout rooms, and the eyesore of a vacuum cleaner in an unsuitable location can be annoying. These are reasons to seriously consider an upgrade to a central vacuum cleaner package.


First research the models available, and the styles and equipment needed for your specific situation. Your budget will inform as to whether you purchase a builders-grade system or a premium line of vacuum. You can choose an American-made brand if this is preferable to a foreign-made vacuum. Considerations may be power, durability, noise, or any other issues you may have. Experts are informed and ready to listen to your requirements to ensure a perfect match.


Choice of
central vacuum piping is important. Professional recommendations generally support use of certified 2" central vacuum PVC (SCH-20), and warn against use of plumbing PVC. The installer will experience less waste while saving time and money if 5-foot sections of central vacuum piping are used. A central vacuum cleaner package matched to the specifications of your home will give the installer the best possibility of a satisfactory result. Included in the package offered by professionals, will be the bell-end PVC pipe for better fit and to reduce possibility of joint leaks and needed repairs. This also takes care of the need for couplers.


Recommendations for installation of the power unit often depends on whether the unit is intended for a ranch style, two-story, or split-level home. You will receive best service from your system if the power unit is wall-mounted in a location away from the living space.


The unit should be hung on a wall without being enclosed in order to promote air flow and cooling ability. The central vacuum piping is placed within the walls, and outlets appear in each room or area of the home. Keep in mind furniture placement so you will easily be able to access the outlets for use. You may wish more than one outlet per area, since they are quite unobtrusive. Remember to include an outlet for use with your automobiles, or other areas that will need attention.

Consultation with a service expert, with a full litany of house specifications and personal ideas will ensure the central vacuum cleaner package you choose will meet your requirements. The upgrade will result in less clutter and greater ease of cleaning your home.

Central Vacuum Piping Overview

Central Vacuum piping is a crucial part of central vacuum systems. These systems are highly effective at cleaning your house for a few reasons. First of all, they aren't just central units but they are part of an entire system in your house, which means everything is often easier to clean up since the dirt is put right where it needs to go without you having to change bags in many systems. Secondly, the suction power of the vacuum is often significant which means that it can extract dirt from carpeting much more effectively than other units.

Central Vacuum Cleaner Package

Along with your central system, it helps to get a central vacuum cleaner package to further aid you in cleaning and potential repairs, based on your system. The key is to have the right tool for the job. For example, if you have a pet, then it can certainly help you to get a pet attachment as part of a cleaner package that could assist you in cleaning couches and other parts of your house specifically with the pet in mind. The tools could help with getting rid of hair and other pet leavings in order to make for a cleaner house.

Trying Out Think Vacuums

This is why it makes a lot of sense to use a company like Think Vacuums for your central vacuum needs. It's important to make sure you find the best companies for getting the accessories you need to clean your home, and it makes sense to make sure that you have access to the proper parts for repair. This is why this company will often be the best option you have to handle both of these needs, namely that the company has a lot of experience with vacuums accessories and parts.

Getting Started

Central vacuum systems are incredibly effective, but they often require vigilant upkeep, especially for something like their piping systems. This is why you need to make sure you regularly check for the possibility of needing parts and repairs. That's why it's a good idea to contact a company like Think Vacuums today, namely to ensure that everything runs smoothly. The sooner you get going finding a company like this, the happier you're going to be in the long run with your system.

Resources and References

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